Submitted by Unknown It emphasized how much of what we think and do is based on habit and that it is possible to replace old habits with newer, better ones.
Submitted by Unknown Outstanding!! This is a book which you should be looking forward to reading it. The Greates Salesman in the World is a beautiful book which will bring forward a strong desire to put your life in perspective. After reading this book, your thoughts and emotional drives, will change forever.
Submitted by Unknown You MUST be ready to open your mind for this one. If you are, it's amazing! I have literally made a complete turn around in my life since reading this book 1 1/2 yrs ago. Thanks so much Og, we miss you.
Submitted by Unknown Simple and Superb not just Simply Superb
Submitted by Unknown This is one of the most powerful books every written on selling. It is inspirational, and highly recommended.