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Jerry Maguire

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Rating: 9 | Votes: 6

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Submitted by: Steven from VA
I am motivated to "go for it" everytime I watch the movie Jerry Maguire. Cuba Godding, Jr. makes the movie for me. The seen when his wife (Regina King) tells Cuba that, "they determine their worth. You are a proud, beautiful, spendid black man" is the pivotal point in the movie that reminds me that the love of a woman to lift her man is powerful. After that point Cuba and Jerry are able to get what they want.

Submitted by: Mr. A Broadbent from United Kingdom
This film is great. But I think it's too romantic to be truly inspiring ... it's got some great ideas in it, but the overall message is "love your wife and you'll be a success", which isn't that great is it?